Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Merry Ole England

Well, we made it to London yesterday afternoon after 14 hours of traveling. It's great to be back in "civilization." We left Tana just shy of 1am on Tuesday morning and by 1:15pm our plane from Paris to Heathrow was at its gate. As we de-planed in London, Kristen and I were both surprised to be greeted by the gate agent in English. Owen, at 5 months, was a bit harder to handle than he was when we flew from Ohio to Madagascar when he was only 6 weeks. We did have bulkhead seating with a bassinet to put Owen into when he slept. That was great, except he didn't sleep very much. I spent most of the flight walking the aisles with him in my arms, trying to keep random strangers from putting their dirty mits on our "très mignon" son. With the sleep deprivation and the change of scenery, by the time we boarded the plane in Paris for London, he was at his limit. He cried like we've never heard him cry. Finally, with much persuasion, he nursed himself into a stupor until we landed in London.
So, here we are. Another night in London before taking the train out to Norwich and East Anglia University for Kristen's conference. I am the domestique on this trip, and, after the month of consulting I've just come from, I'm looking forward to my time with the lad.

We didn't have the right clothes for Owen for our spring trip to Europe. But we did have this cape, which we tried on Owen before we left.