Dinner at Charley & Rachel's
Originally uploaded by edaniii.
Last week KP and I visited Charley and Rachel in Columbus. For the non Peace Corps crowd, KP and Charley were volunteers together in Konni, and KP attended Charley and Rachel's wedding in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)--10 years ago next year! They've been in Columbus for a few years now and Charley works with the USDA as an agricultural statistician. Rachel works at an OSU hospital as a patient-rights advocate (aka she makes sure doctors and nurses are treating patients well in the ER).
They treated us to a West African and American fusion meal: Corn tuwo with baobab leaf sauce and lamb, roast chicken, acorn squash, and homemade apple pie. It was all fabulous (and considerably less gritty than the village equivalent in Niger would have been).
Mun gode, sosai. Alhamdililahi!